Monday 28 December 2009

Facing the consequences

I MAKE THE MISTAKE of standing on the bathroom scales today - and I'm shocked to discover I've put on nearly half a stone in the last few days, the consequences of over-indulgence.

No wonder my trousers are feeling a little tight around the old waist.

This discovery, though, has put me into something of a flap.

Gone the days when I had no worries about putting on weight - it fell off almost as quickly as it went on.

Not so these days; some of it might come off, but by no means all.

The thought of drastic measures fleetingly passes through my mind - rejoining the gym, for example, and embarking on a diet of salad leaves... New Year resolutions and all that.

But then sanity returns, or maybe just plain laziness; why should I worry about putting on a few pounds? I get all the exercise I need just caring for My Good Lady, surely, what with pushing her hither and yon in her wheelchair?

And as for chomping on endless salads - to what end? On the whole my diet is a fairly healthy one and I have to say I do prefer to be the shape I am now than the stick insect I resembled in my youth.

So here I am, having already abandoned two resolutions and it's not even the New Year!

All the same I think I'll keep my eating to our more normal one-course-a-day for a while, just to be virtuous!

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