Saturday 7 March 2009

A card for Mary

WE WOULD have given the Pub a miss today, were it not for Mary R's birthday.

We pick up a card on route, and when we arrive at the Geriatrics' Corner we find the place fuller than usual - fuller, in fact, than it has been for quite some time.

The gang is in good voice, though, and seemingly in great good humour.

We stay for about an hour.

Back at home, My Good Lady and I get dinner on, a roast chicken dish à la Jaime Oliver and which turns out to be excellent, although we ignore the injunction to serve with cous cous and have some spuds instead. (Not keen on cous cous at all.)

It's a quiet evening for us; we watch a little telly and then MGL calls it an early night. We're both tired, and I'm grateful it's the weekend.

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