Thursday 12 March 2009

On the PM and a risotto

Which? magazine, I've sent an email to the Prime Minister.

It’s not the first time I’ve sent emails to heads of state.

I sent emails of protest to both President Bush and PM Tony Blair before we engaged in the war in Iraq.

I got a polite acknowledgement from the White House, but no reply at all from 10 Downing Street.

(I get the feeling that the Americans take the democratic process more seriously than we do – it seems we are still, essentially, a monarchy with democratic trappings and as such, we don’t deserve our government’s attention except, perhaps, at election time.*[* Of course, it may be that they simply don’t know about emails and such like.])

Anyhow, back to my Which? question.

I’m puzzled.

No, I’m baffled. Confused.

Mr Brown, with his Scottish Presbyterianism, is a great believer in working hard and saving for your old age (i.e. the Protestant work ethic).

However, our savings, for our imminent old age, are going down the toilet. Fast.

What’s more, we are being encouraged to spend, spend, spend our way out of the present recession.

So, what to do – spend or save, prudence or extravagance?

I await the PM’s reply breathlessly.

(Maybe I ought to send the same question to the occupier of the West Wing – I might at least get a reply!)

Anyway, on to more important matters.

It’s my experimental cook day, today – a blue cheese (Gorgonzola) and butternut squash risotto.

But what makes it really something special is the meat we have with it – and we always do have something like sausages or steak or fish with our risottos, they can be very monotonous, otherwise.

Today, unusually, we have burgers with the risotto – sausage meat and black pudding burgers, and I have to say, the meal is absolutely delicious!

The blend of the gloopy, flavoured rice and the crispy, grilled burgers is truly excellent.

If you want the recipe just let me know, and I’ll post it here.

Like I said, something special…

1 comment:

Malcolm said...

Disappearing savings is a real problem. A little saver I set up with Canada Life has just bmatured and I found myself with £2000 less thann I would have done if I'd surrendered it one year previously. It comes to something when the maturity value falls way behind an earlier surrender value. It's even impossible to leasrn from experience - it's a once in a lifetime thing!

The collapse of capitalism wouldn't be such a bad thing if the bosses and bankers were forced to pick up the tab, rather than real human beings.


The meal certainly sounded quite enticing¬


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