Thursday 5 February 2009

Wednesday stuff

THE FISH counter at the supermarket has been a bit bare, lately, so it's pleasing to see that the seas have become more bountiful again. Some beautiful-looking cod fillets, even a few whole carp - and glory, the size of them! - and rarities like tilapia are in evidence today. Unfortunately, for My Good Lady - and to my relief - she cannot find the squid she's searching for. We've tried squid and octopus before, abroad, and neither of us liked them, but MGL has found a recipe she's keen to try. "You never know," she says, "we might end up really enjoying it!" If ever there was a statement of optimism triumphing over experience, this is it!

It's actually a fairly quick shop today, thankfully. It's coming to the end of a long afternoon, what with meeting one of our kitchen designers in town, and then spending an hour discussing his proposals together in a quayside pub. Next, we pick up our prescriptions from the GP's surgery and do the chemist run. Finally, the supermarket and then home, to one of MGL's excellent turkey quiches. By the time we flop in front of the telly we're just about done in. It's been a busy day, but much has been done. I think we're a step closer to our kitchen.

1 comment:

Malcolm said...

I feel with squid and octopus it's all a question of whether you like the texture. The flavour (subtle as it is) can't possibly prove offensive!


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