Wednesday 1 April 2009


MY GOOD LADY and I are hoarders.

It was a habit inculcated in us during our childhoods by parents who believed that nothing should ever be discarded, just in case...

We were both brought up to unwrap Christmas presents carefully, so that the paper could be reused and the string balled up and kept for another time.

Cardboard boxes were tucked away into the backs of cupboards, miscellaneous bits of mismatching china was laid aside in drawers and dressers.

I suppose if you lived through years of war and shortages it was a hard routine to get out of - and for MGL and I, it still is.

We are getting a bit better at throwing things out, but now, of course, the recycling ethic justifies us in keeping our clutter: we can hoard now to save the planet.

As good an excuse as any, I suppose.

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