Friday 28 May 2010


EVERY NIGHT this week, just as I crank up the computer, I get a message to say I’m suffering from a Server failure.

What on earth goes on?

Losing my internet connection is a nuisance to say the least of it.

I’ve not even caught up with my email backlog after our holidays.

I can’t do my internet banking, I can’t post my blogs or read other people’s, I can’t listen to the radio on the BBC’s iPlayer.

I’m writing this offline, on Word, and if the connection gets restored – as it sometimes rather arbitrarily does - I shall try to sneak it on.

Meanwhile, I have to apologise to readers and assure them that normal service, I hope, gets restored soon.

1 comment:

Malcolm said...

may your server woes soon be resolved! These arbitary downtimes can be intensely frustrating!


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