Sunday 2 May 2010

Interesting week

IT’S BEEN AN interesting week, this, even aside from my passing my 60th milestone.

I’ve pleased our gardener, Al, by announcing that I’m going to have a bash at growing some more vegetables, and the containers for them have arrived this week.

One raised bed and liner for crops like green beans, carrots, peas and maybe some mixed salad and courgettes – if indeed the seeds I’ve ordered from the BBC arrive in time.

I’ve also got three potato patio planters for the spuds I’m hoping to grow; we go along to a local garden centre to buy the actual seed potatoes.

(Unfortunately, the instruction about planting these seem to be somewhat contradictory: you must chit them first in the dark or in the light, you must cut the larger ones in half or not cut them at all, you must then plant them out in two weeks or three weeks – or even five weeks…)

Talking of food, I have to say I’m rather chuffed about my experimental meal this week – another Raymond Blanc recipe, this one for fricassee of wild mushrooms. (I actually can’t find any wild ones in the shops, so I choose a selection of cultivated exotic ones instead.) The recipe is a bit involved, but the results, I have to say, are well worth it – My Good Lady and I thoroughly enjoy them.

But I suppose the highlight of my week has been my birthday. People have been ever so kind and considerate in their expressions of best wishes and to all of them I’d like to offer my sincerest thanks.

It really is great to have friends.

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