Tuesday 24 August 2010

Light bulbs, fry-ups and plans

WHY IS IT that, when light bulbs blow, they go two or even three at a time?

Anyhow, after a rummage in the shed, I discover I have no replacements.

Oh yes, lots of others – I generally buy them by the half dozen – but no 60 watt ES energy saving bulbs, the second to go this week.

So, we’ve got a few things to do today: the public library for renewal of My Good Lady’s parking badges, then to the dentist for our bi-annual check-up, then to pick up PD and to take him along to the Pub for an hour or so, and last but not least, stop off at our branch of Focus to pick up said bulbs.

Back home, I do this evening’s dinner, a stir fry, an old favourite: a sauté of par-boiled, cubed potatoes, cooked gammon finely chopped, sliced onions and diced peppers, all done in my trusty wok. I serve this with a couple of poached eggs and some baked beans.

A basic fry-up in other words, and very tasty it turns out to be.

Evening. We open a bottle of New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc and to the sound of the divine Ella doing her Rodgers and Hart Songbook we discuss our immediate and near future plans.

With MGL’s successful award of her disability benefit, we are free to make such plans, but oddly, neither of us have much appetite for travel. With our excellent stay in the south of France last May, and our long warm summer spell in which we dined outdoors so often, we really don’t feel much need for another holiday.

Maybe a short drive over to Harrogate to visit some old chums, and yes maybe we’ll book a table for Christmas Day lunch to save us the hassle of cooking. But that aside, we’re happy just to stay at home and watch my tomatoes ripen.

Even for our thirty-fifth wedding anniversary this Monday the most we’re thinking of doing is dining our favourite Cantonese restaurant (and okay, yes, maybe we’ll open nice a bottle of bubbly when we get home).

Oh dear, what sad little lives we do lead!

1 comment:

Malcolm said...

There are times when a simple fry-up quite simply hits the spot!

I feel quite sure that your chums in Harrogate would appreciate a visit!


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