Thursday 12 May 2011


ACCORDING to the latest medical opinion, it seems I have a 1 in 5 chance of suffering another stroke in the future – which, I’m reassured to hear, is quite low.

The new medication seems to be working as prescribed.

My blood pressure is normal; my cholesterol count is under control; none of the scans show much that’s untoward – a little clogging in the arteries of my throat, but not unduly worryingly so.

So, it seems, I’m a hoppy bunny again.

Except, of course, that I actually have had a stroke, and I’m not fully recovered from it yet.

And whether I ever shall fully recuperate is something of an unanswerable question.

But still, I come away from the review today feeling a little more optimistic about my future health prospects.

1 comment:

Malcolm said...

pleased to hear / read a cause for optimism - may a restoration of energy etc soon follow on!


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