Monday 1 June 2009

Strictly for the birds

THE ONE good thing about this warm weather is that it's very conducive to doziness.

And a quiet-ish weekend is just what I need.

Not that I've been totally idle, though; we recently splashed out on a new bird table - the old one fell apart, due, I suspect, to overuse.

Unfortunately, the new thing arrives in pieces and has to be assembled using the sketchiest instructions I think I've ever seen.

Now I accept that this isn't rocket science - after all, a bird table, how difficult can that be? You'd be surprised!

After an hour's head scratching we do finally succeed in putting something together leaving about half a dozen pieces spare. Surplus to requirements, presumably.

It's still a bit wobbly because the four supportive plant holders have no gravel and compost in them yet - we're off to the garden centre tomorrow to rectify the absence.

Soon our little feathery friends will be dining out in style, lucky beggars!

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