Wednesday 19 November 2008

Of Little B's computer and MGL's eye problem

LITTLE B has concluded that the learning curve is too steep for him. He has decided he can live without the hassle of trying to work out how to use his recently purchased laptop computer. I feel a little guilty about this because I encouraged him to get it. Anyhow, on announcing that he’s planning to sell it, I offer to buy it from him. It seems the least I can do. My Good Lady and I have been discussing getting a laptop, anyway, and this way I can make sure Little B gets a fair price for his nearly new computer.

We are returning from the Geriatrics’ Corner of the Pub this evening when My Good Lady asks me if I’d cook our dinner for us. “Of course,” I say, “but why?” That’s when she tells me her eyes are playing up. From time to time she gets these bad spells, a bit like migraine blackouts but not usually with the headache. She doesn’t feel up to doing the Sardine Quiche – and to be honest, neither do I. So, after a rummage around in the freezer I locate some breadcrumbed fillets of plaice. Not quite as exciting as her planned quiche, perhaps, but a pleasant fish and chip dinner, nonetheless.

By the time its ready, however, some of her mischievous cheekiness is back, indicating her eyes are correcting themselves again – well enough, indeed, to watch a little telly, I forget what.

All of this distracts us from the bad news we received earlier in the day. Our friend, Mike K, has been ill with a viral infection for the last week or so, and he’s taken a turn for the worse today. Helen, his wife, has already summoned the doctor – Mike suffers from Motor Neurone Disease, so this is a potential very serious illness, especially if it turns into pneumonia. We spend the day hoping for the best but half fearing for the second shoe to drop. Hospital visits might be on the horizon.

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