Monday 17 November 2008

Sunday things

I SEEM TO have got out of the house cleaning habit since our holidays, so today I make bit more of an effort. While My Good Lady busily sorts out the washing, I dust and vacuum the kitchen and wash down the bathroom, I have a go at cleaning out the study, and then the lounge… After three hours, I’m fair pooped, and I still have dinner to cook.

Luckily it’s only a prawn stir-fry. It takes me but a few minutes to chop up the spring onions, tomato and yellow pepper, then another ten minutes in the wok just warming it all up along with some bean sprouts and with a good pinch of chilli flakes. I serve it up with some egg noodles, and a lovely Alsace Pinot Gris.

Evening. Over the last couple of weeks I’ve recorded the two part Sharpe’s Peril (ITV 1) and we decide to give this a view. We used to quite enjoy this series in its early days; unfortunately this is a rather predictable offering, the familiarity of the plot themes definitely beginning to show their age. And poor Sean Bean is looking as if he’s been through the wars, too. Still, it passes an undemanding couple of hours. Actually, I’ve been half wondering about investing in a high definition Freesat box, but then I can’t help thinking: why bother? It’s not so much the quality of the picture that needs sharpening up, but the quality of the programmes.

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